Soar in 4 Bradenton Reads

What is Bradenton Reads?

Bradenton Reads! is a growing partnership between the City of Bradenton and the School District of Manatee County (SDMC) to draw attention to the importance of early literacy and to inspire young readers and their families to make literacy a priority.

Working together with Soar In 4, the SDMC Early Learning Team, the CRA Public Art Advisory Board, the SDMC Visual and Performing Arts Department, and SDMC Art Teachers, Bradenton Reads! has come to life with the installation of 235 street pole banners around the City of Bradenton.

In addition to student artwork, which strives to inspire other students to continue their literacy journey, you can also find Literacy Tips throughout the exhibit. Banners are hung in the Village of the Arts, in Rossi Park, on Main Street, and the Riverwalk. We hope you enjoy, Bradenton Reads!

Artist: Maya H.
Grade: 3rd
School: Ballard Elementary
Art Teacher: Valeri Borstelmann
“I drew three kids at school reading their books. I drew hearts because they love to read. On the board it says “More reading! You are the Best!” “
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Melanie M.
Grade: 5th
School: Ballard Elementary
Art Teacher: Valeri Borstelmann
“I drew the desk of a student, Willa Brown. She is reading a book while the teacher passes back test papers. The book is about the pyramids in Mexico. Reading books is important because it makes us smarter. Willa got 200%, an A++! She also got a principal’s award and perfect attendance.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Myles R.
Grade: 3rd
School: Ballard Elementary
Art Teacher: Valeri Borstelmann
“I drew an alien who loves to read.  He is on the moon. Everyone should read!!!! “
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Mireya R.
Grade: 2nd
School: Ballard Elementary
Art Teacher: Valeri Borstelmann
“We read books together and grow our imagination.  The boy’s brain is getting bigger!”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Nathaly H.
Grade: 4th
School: Ballard Elementary
Art Teacher: Valeri Borstelmann
“I drew two people reading a book about kindness.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Taylor M.
Grade: 3rd
School: Ballard Elementary
Art Teacher: Valeri Borstelmann
“The teacher said make art with books. So, I used books to make the word art. I also used books to make the flower petals. “
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Austin B., Aidan S.
Grade: 5th
School: Rowlett Academy
Art Teacher: Brittany Gerren
“Our artwork is of a dragon reading a book. I hope that people who like dragons see that it is reading, and it might help others to want to read. Reading is a great hobby and helps your brain to learn and grow.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Zoe V.
Grade: 5th
School: Rowlett Academy
Art Teacher: Brittany Gerren
“My artwork shows kids’ reading on a rainbow of books and there are positive messages all around. I hope it encourages more kids to read because it’s so fun.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Delaney D., Elliott B.
Grade: 5th
School: Rowlett Academy
Art Teacher: Brittany Gerren
“I thought of the place I liked to go to read, so that’s what I drew. I liked the idea because I made a really cute reading nook. We worked together to make this on the iPad. I hope it inspires people to find a cozy place and read a book.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Cole W., Will P., Madelyn O., Bella M.
Grade: 5th
School: Rowlett Academy
Art Teacher: Brittany Gerren
“This drawing is about aquatic animals in Florida reading. It depicts cool animals like Snooty the manatee. People might recognize these animals and want to read like them.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Mason M.
Grade: 5th
School: Rowlett Academy
Art Teacher: Brittany Gerren
“My 8-bit book tree is a tree growing books for the duck. I did it in the style of 8-bit art.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Sophia B.
Grade: 5th
School: Rowlett Academy
Art Teacher: Brittany Gerren
“The Difference is my artwork showing how books open the mind yet on the other side electronics and social media pull people apart. This supports reading by showing how reading can go a long way.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Lila H.
Grade: 5th
School: Rowlett Academy
Art Teacher: Brittany Gerren
“My drawing I’m Not a Box is based off one of my favorite books. I decided to draw the character from the book right next to a box full of some of the books in the box. I connected my artwork to reading because it is one of the books you are advertising.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Armani R.
Grade: 5th
School: Rowlett Academy
Art Teacher: Brittany Gerren
“My drawing is based off the book Harold and the Purple Crayon. It’s one of my favorite books. I want other people to be inspired by seeing my artwork to read the book and love it too. When you read, you learn something from each book.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Ava K.
Grade: 5th
School: Rowlett Academy
Art Teacher: Brittany Gerren
“My artwork titled Everyone Loves Reading is about how everyone should love to read. Even if you don’t like reading, just try it and read a chapter or two. You may really start to love it and get carried away by a book.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Kalie B.
Grade: 4th
School: Rowlett Academy
Art Teacher: Brittany Gerren
“My artwork is titled You Can Shine because I want people to know that. I was inspired to create this after I read Maybe Something Beautiful and Change Sings. Both books are about coming together with others and making a change in your community. My message to people is to make your own change in your community and you can shine.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Abigail T.
Grade: 4th
School: Rowlett Academy
Art Teacher: Brittany Gerren
“My artwork is showing a person reading. “
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Levi G.
Grade: 3rd
School: Rowlett Academy
Art Teacher: Brittany Gerren
“My artwork shows a bunch of dots in cool colors and in warm colors. I created this after reading the book The Dot. The book encourages readers to just make a dot and see where it takes you. I think people should do the same with reading. Just read a sentence and see where it takes you. Reading can take you to other places and expand your imagination.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Daylin S.
Grade: 4th
School: Rowlett Academy
Art Teacher: Brittany Gerren
“My artwork There’s No I in Team was inspired by reading Maybe Something Beautiful and Change Sings. Those books show kids making a difference in their town together. If you work together, you can make awesome things happen.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Nohemi D.
Grade: 1st
School: Samoset Elementary
Art Teacher: Jessica Pellicone
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Cyntia A.
Grade: 5th
School: Samoset Elementary
Art Teacher: Jessica Pellicone
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Karla C.
Grade: 3rd
School: Samoset Elementary
Art Teacher: Jessica Pellicone
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Adalynn H.
Grade: 1st
School: Samoset Elementary
Art Teacher: Jessica Pellicone
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Madeline C.
Grade: 6th
School: Braden River Middle School
Art Teacher: Heidi Enneking
“I drew The Dot because it teaches us that small things can turn big and make a difference. I think reading is important because it can make you a better person and inspire you to be better at things that you are passionate about. Art allows me to express myself by allowing me to draw whatever I’m feeling and turn it into something unique and new.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Madison H.
Grade: 7th
School: Braden River Middle School
Art Teacher: Heidi Enneking
“I drew a girl reading a book that comes to life. I think it is a good way to show how books let our imagination roam free and help it to grow. I love that books are meant for everyone so if you didn’t like one type you can try another. Everyone should read to learn, find themself, and to open their imagination.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Naomi P.
Grade: 7th
School: Braden River Middle School
Art Teacher: Heidi Enneking
“Reading and art are a powerful combination.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Dexter T.
Grade: 6th
School: Braden River Middle School
Art Teacher: Heidi Enneking
“I love art and think it is the best activity in school and the world. I started drawing when I was two.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Elizabeth S.
Grade: 8th
School: Braden River Middle School
Art Teacher: Heidi Enneking
“Reading helps my mind grow strong and art lets me express myself.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Gabriela Z.
Grade: 7th
School: Braden River Middle School
Art Teacher: Heidi Enneking
“I picked this book because it is about a girl trying to learn a new language and I totally get that. Reading is important no matter what age you are because it gives you new skills like expanded vocabulary, brain gain, and more things. Since I was young, I thought the arts were one of the better ways to express myself because there are so many ways to express yourself with the arts.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Molly L.
Grade: 8th
School: Braden River Middle School
Art Teacher: Heidi Enneking
“I chose this book because it was my favorite book growing up. Reading is important because it teaches basic knowledge that is needed in everyday life. Art allows you to express yourself by showing your creativity and personality through drawing and painting.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Kacey M.
Grade: 8th
School: Braden River Middle School
Art Teacher: Heidi Enneking
“I enjoy reading and art!”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Emmanuel C.
Grade: 7th
School: Braden River Middle School
Art Teacher: Heidi Enneking
“This is a great book and I love to draw!”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Cianna Z.
Grade: 7th
School: Braden River Middle School
Art Teacher: Heidi Enneking
“I love to read. Reading is a gateway to knowledge.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Stephany V.
Grade: 8th
School: Braden River Middle School
Art Teacher: Heidi Enneking
“Books open up a whole new world!”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Julia J., Joaquin P.
Grade: 8th
School: Braden River Middle School
Art Teacher: Heidi Enneking
“Even Curious George likes to read.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Erin C.
Grade: 6th
School: Braden River Middle School
Art Teacher: Heidi Enneking
“This was one of my favorite books when I was in second grade. It brings back memories from that time. Reading is important because you can learn a lot. Art is also important because it helps show how I feel.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Dailani W.
Grade: 6th
School: Braden River Middle School
Art Teacher: Heidi Enneking
“Reading is fun and so is art.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Diana P.
Grade: 6th
School: Braden River Middle School
Art Teacher: Heidi Enneking
“Writing is an art, like how my drawing represents the rainbow in reading. Books are art.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Madyson B.
Grade: 8th
School: Braden River Middle School
Art Teacher: Heidi Enneking
“Reading is important because it is an escape from reality. Reading can help people live in a fantasy. Reading helps people imagine and is a safe place. It is also a way to discover self and character development.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: School Project
Grade: Kindergarten – 5th
School: Witt Elementary
Art Teacher: Kim Roberson-Hoy
“Our artwork is comprised of many beautiful and diverse butterflies created by our beautiful and diverse students. This project was based on a poem, “The Butterfly” (version 2) by Holocaust victim Pavel Friedmann. Our students focused on the imagery, symbolism, and science of butterflies as part of our remembrance during Holocaust Education Week.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: School Project
Grade: Kindergarten – 5th
School: Witt Elementary
Art Teacher: Kim Roberson-Hoy
“Our artwork is comprised of many beautiful and diverse butterflies created by our beautiful and diverse students. This project was based on a poem, “The Butterfly” (version 2) by Holocaust victim Pavel Friedmann. Our students focused on the imagery, symbolism, and science of butterflies as part of our remembrance during Holocaust Education Week.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Lexi P.
Grade: 8th
School: Braden River Middle School
Art Teacher: Heidi Enneking
“Reading and art are both important to me!”
  • Bradenton Riverwalk

Artist: Ana D., Angelina T., Gianna G.
Grade: 7th
School: Braden River Middle School
Art Teacher: Heidi Enneking
“We drew a shark and a teddy bear reading because it’s better to be nice and helps you become a better person. We can express ourselves with art and reading helps us grow.”
  • Bradenton Riverwalk

Artist: Lisa C.
Grade: 6th
School: Braden River Middle School
Art Teacher: Heidi Enneking
“I drew a girl reading a book, the book is glowing. I picked this because this is what I was reading at the time. I think reading is important because it makes you smarter and inspires you. Art helps me express myself by letting me create anything on my mind.”
  • Bradenton Riverwalk

Artist: Julie T., Jazmine G., Bianca F.
Grade: 8th
School: Braden River Middle School
Art Teacher: Heidi Enneking
“We drew a giraffe from the front cover. It’s jumping on a hill in an empty park- we picked this book to show that anyone can do anything.”
  • Bradenton Riverwalk

Artist: William E.
Grade: 5th
School: Samoset Elementary
Art Teacher: Jessica Pellicone
“I drew this banner because nature is a good environment and sometimes when you go outside, you could just grab a book and start reading! Reading could also give you more knowledge!”
  • Bradenton Riverwalk

Artist: Sergei G.
Grade: 5th
School: Myakka City Elementary
Art Teacher: Stephanie Guevara
“Read more… stack them up and let your imagination fly!”
  • Bradenton Riverwalk

Artist: Tristan B., Yaritza V., Esmeralda L.
Grade: 1st
School: Tillman Elementary
Art Teacher: Sophia Blincoe
“Reading can help you learn, and it is fun to read new things. We like books with pictures because it helps us understand what is being read to us. We drew a book because you read with books. And we drew bookworms that are heading to the book to read. “
  • Bradenton Riverwalk

Artist: Tania G., Serina V., Jil’Lea S.
Grade: 2nd
School: Tillman Elementary
Art Teacher: Sophia Blincoe
“The importance of reading so you can learn about the world around you and share those books with other students. In this art piece, there is a boy and girl shown to create diversity and to show that reading is for everyone. The book the children are reading deals with art since we are making art, what better way than to show an artist is being read about!”
  • Bradenton Riverwalk

Artist: Wyatt E., Liliana L., Charlotte R.
Grade: Kindergarten
School: Tillman Elementary
Art Teacher: Sophia Blincoe
“We like to read, and we read together. We made a world with a book under it to show all the kids in the world reading together. “
  • Bradenton Riverwalk

Artist: Sophia S., Malachai D., Kiara B., Zayda M.
Grade: 4th
School: Tillman Elementary
Art Teacher: Sophia Blincoe
“The importance of reading it will help you learn new things and help you have a larger vocabulary. It also brings out the imagination to help with your creative ideas. The children are imagining the characters in the book that are creating something as a whole and bringing everyone together. Art and reading are important because when you are reading you may find not understand the text and the pictures help you connect the pictures to text. “
  • Bradenton Riverwalk

Artist: Elijah T.
Grade: 2nd
School: Ballard Elementary
Art Teacher: Valeri Borstelmann
“One kid at the bottom is going to school.  The teacher is doing small groups at her table and the kids are busy writing.  The teacher has a book and is going to teach them to read next.  We should go to school so we can read every day!”
  • Bradenton Riverwalk

Artist: Evelin A.
Grade: 1st
School: Ballard Elementary
Art Teacher: Valeri Borstelmann
“This is a picture of my sister.  We both really like rainbows; they make us feel good.  We both also love to read.  Books are like magic because they give you new ideas and new stories and they grow your brain.  I love books!!! “
  • Bradenton Riverwalk

Artist: Leslie P., Denielle H., Myles R., and Elena R.
Grade: 3rd
School: Ballard Elementary
Art Teacher: Valeri Borstelmann
“When you read a book, you can learn new stories, and learn the lessons of the story. Reading can give you a bigger imagination.  It can help your brain grow!    Books are like MAGIC!!! “
  • Bradenton Riverwalk

Artist: Emma C.
Grade: 7th
School: Rowlett Middle Academy
Art Teacher: Brittany Braniger
“The World of Fantasy – My art shows how it feels when the characters in a book come to life when reading. My artwork is a digital art piece and I put multiple details into it like shading and shine in the eyes. The joy I get from reading is being shown in the artwork by how the characters seem like they come out of the book, and you are watching as the story unfolds.”
  • Bradenton Riverwalk

Artist: Mia M.
Grade: 7th
School: Rowlett Middle Academy
Art Teacher: Brittany Braniger
“The Colors of Reading – My inspiration for my art is the colorful feeling people get when reading. I drew a girl getting colorful inspiration from book quotes. I hope this art piece reminds people how reading impacts you.”
  • Bradenton Riverwalk

Artist: Alexis B.
Grade: 8th
School: Rowlett Middle Academy
Art Teacher: Brittany Braniger
“Open to a New World – My inspiration for creating this project was my friend. She is always reading books that lead her imagination to a new place. I created this artwork using a lot of bright colors to show what reading can bring with every story. Reading conveys so many emotions. I really enjoy books with suspense, it gets you excited and dives you deeper in the book. Books are a part of what makes me, me.”
  • Bradenton Riverwalk

Artist: Jillian V.
Grade: 7th
School: Rowlett Middle Academy
Art Teacher: Brittany Braniger
“Reading Wonders – My inspiration for this art piece is my love for reading and books. To create this art piece, I used photography and a digital art app called Procreate. I first had one of my friends take a picture of me reading in a tree. After that I used Procreate to add in some little details and change the background to look more fun and colorful. I also added in a new book title and “Read Every Book” on the side of the art piece. I have always loved reading and I read at any chance that I get. When I read a book, it feels like I am transported to a different world and that feeling is amazing.”
  • Bradenton Riverwalk

Artist: Remalyn E.
Grade: 5th
School: Johnson K-8
Art Teacher: Suzie Abadjian
“Why I make a book opening on the ocean? I love sunsets, they are beautiful in every way; they have all kinds of colors. And I love to read. I got this idea from when I was randomly just drawing a sunset, and I thought why not just make it a book. I love art and reading. It is like heaven at peace in my opinion. I just keep drawing and reading books.”
  • Bradenton Riverwalk

Artist: Vivian M.
Grade: 12th
School: Manatee School for The Arts
Art Teacher: Diane Rosenbarger
“With the intention of making a piece that represents literature and the joy of reading. I made a piece called Let’s read together. Based on the concept of encouraging others to read. I made it to show the brilliance of reading, depicted with a child reading a book, and on the cover of the book, there is a lotus flower, which is commonly known for not only purity but also enlightenment. To show just how joyous and interesting reading can become. I wanted this work to give off a more accepting and encouraging message while still looking and feeling like a childish wonder.”
  • Bradenton Riverwalk

Artist: Anne D.
Grade: 11th
School: Manatee School for The Arts
Art Teacher: Diane Rosenbarger
“I decided to make my piece about one of the suggested books on the list given to me. It’s called Ten Magic Butterflies and is a children’s book about ten flowers turning into magical butterflies as they journey through a night trying to reach their goals. It is a math focused picture book so through this journey, the butterflies learn the very basics of math. It’s a fun mix between fantasy and learning. I feel like reading really boosts the imagination no matter what the topic or subject. This book took math, a subject maybe not everyone is fond of, and made it fun and interactive. Books like these could make anyone develop a creative mind when paired with this fantasy or magical aspect. This makes a reader more interested in learning and through that, the imagination blossoms.”
  • Bradenton Riverwalk

Artist: Elaynah H.
Grade: 5th
School: Samoset Elementary
Art Teacher: Jessica Pellicone
“My picture is about like all of the colors. I like to read because I learn a lot like from the 90’s. I also like it because it’s like a movie but in book form. “
  • Villiage of the Arts

  • Rossi Park

Artist: Cynthia D.
Grade: 8th
School: Braden River Middle School
Art Teacher: Heidi Enneking
“I enjoy reading and art!”
  • Villiage of the Arts

  • Rossi Park

Artist: Levi C.
Grade: 7th
School: Rowlett Middle Academy
Art Teacher: Brittany Braniger
“The Power of Imagination – My inspiration is how when I read a book, I like to imagine myself in the story, and that makes books more exciting. I used Procreate to make a library with someone imagining themselves in the story. I enjoy seeing the plot evolve and I really like it when I’m surprised by something the character does.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Kevin M.
Grade: 5th
School: Moody Elementary
Art Teacher: Cathy Gardner
  • Villiage of the Arts

  • Rossi Park

Artist: Maria C.
Grade: 5th
School: Moody Elementary
Art Teacher: Cathy Gardner
  • Villiage of the Arts

  • Rossi Park

Artist: Miguel A.
Grade: 2nd
School: Moody Elementary
Art Teacher: Cathy Gardner
“I made this banner to encourage others to read!”
  • Villiage of the Arts

  • Rossi Park

Artist: Alayna H.
Grade: 1st
School: Moody Elementary
Art Teacher: Cathy Gardner
“I made a library so when you go to the library you will read lots of books! Everyone will have fun reading!”
  • Villiage of the Arts

  • Rossi Park

Artist: Alina P., Killian M., Madeline H., Ruth R.
Grade: 5th
School: Rowlett Academy
Art Teacher: Brittany Gerren
“One little circle can’t ruin your drawing. Our artwork shows that we inspire people to read Beautiful Oops, one of the best books ever.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

  • Rossi Park

Artist: Josiah T.
Grade: 3rd
School: Samoset Elementary
Art Teacher: Jessica Pellicone
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Jackson K.
Grade: 6th
School: Braden River Middle School
Art Teacher: Heidi Enneking
“I made this artwork to inspire people that nothing is impossible. This book is fun to read for all ages.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

  • Rossi Park

Artist: Lindsey L.
Grade: 7th
School: Braden River Middle School
Art Teacher: Heidi Enneking
“I drew a girl on a park bench reading. Reading is important because it teaches us new words. I like art because it helps with my emotions, and it is fun to do.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

  • Rossi Park

Artist: Geoni-Lysa T.
Grade: 3rd
School: Ballard Elementary
Art Teacher: Valeri Borstelmann
“I drew three kids’ reading a book.  The book is so cool because it’s funny.  But also, books are awesome because reading books makes you learn! “
  • Villiage of the Arts

  • Rossi Park

Artist: Isela P., Cira S. (Top Piece)
Grade: 3rd & 5th
School: Myakka City Elementary
Art Teacher: Stephanie Guevara
“Our artwork shows sea animals and outer space… reading can take you up high above our world or down below to the bottom of the ocean. We thought our artwork would encourage kids to read!”
  • Villiage of the Arts

  • Rossi Park

Artist: K.J. C. (Bottom Piece)
Grade: 3rd
School: Myakka City Elementary
Art Teacher: Stephanie Guevara
“Our artwork shows sea animals and outer space… reading can take you up high above our world or down below to the bottom of the ocean. We thought our artwork would encourage kids to read!”
  • Villiage of the Arts

  • Rossi Park

Artist: School Project
Grade: Kindergarten – 5th
School: Witt Elementary
Art Teacher: Kim Roberson-Hoy
“Our artwork is comprised of many beautiful and diverse butterflies created by our beautiful and diverse students. This project was based on a poem, “The Butterfly” (version 2) by Holocaust victim Pavel Friedmann. Our students focused on the imagery, symbolism, and science of butterflies as part of our remembrance during Holocaust Education Week.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

  • Rossi Park

Artist: Enoc D.
Grade: 3rd
School: Moody Elementary
Art Teacher: Cathy Gardner
“I wrote that nature is reading. “
  • Villiage of the Arts

  • Main Street

Artist: Kaydence G., Matteo L., Cheyenne X., Ivyonna B.
Grade: 5th
School: Tillman Elementary
Art Teacher: Sophia Blincoe
“Reading is what helps us be successful, that is why we said, “Reading is Knowledge and Knowledge is Power.” We learned about silhouettes and created a silhouette in the picture so that it could represent anyone who reads will gain knowledge or even travel somewhere else. We emphasized the brain, because the brain is what retains our knowledge and what we use to be successful. “
  • Villiage of the Arts

  • Main Street

Artist: Kytzia H.
Grade: 5th
School: Moody Elementary
Art Teacher: Cathy Gardner
  • Villiage of the Arts

  • Main Street

Artist: Jostyn B.
Grade: 1st
School: Moody Elementary
Art Teacher: Cathy Gardner
“I drew a manatee reading for kids. “
  • Villiage of the Arts

  • Main Street

Artist: Dima G. (Top Piece)
Grade: 5th
School: Myakka City Elementary
Art Teacher: Stephanie Guevara
“Our artwork shows that Reading brings about knowledge and that you can learn about so many different things. Give it a try! “
  • Villiage of the Arts

  • Main Street

Artist: Camila M. (Bottom Piece)
Grade: 4th
School: Myakka City Elementary
Art Teacher: Stephanie Guevara
“Our artwork shows that Reading brings about knowledge and that you can learn about so many different things. Give it a try! “
  • Villiage of the Arts

  • Main Street

Artist: Leslie P.
Grade: 3rd
School: Ballard Elementary
Art Teacher: Valeri Borstelmann
“When you read a book, you can learn new stories and the learn the lessons of the stories.  It can help your brain grow!  Books are like MAGIC!! “
  • Villiage of the Arts

  • Main Street

Artist: Annabelle H., Mason M., Maia A.
Grade: 5th
School: Rowlett Academy
Art Teacher: Brittany Gerren
“Our artwork is a tree growing books for ducks and people to read. Just as trees grow and provide oxygen for us to breathe, books grow our knowledge.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

  • Main Street

Artist: Skyler L.
Grade: 4th
School: Rowlett Academy
Art Teacher: Brittany Gerren
“My artwork is encouraging others to join me in reading. Be a Bookworm with Me is showing some of my favorite books and me giving a thumbs up because they are great books. I included encouraging messages to cheer people on. Reading is fun!”
  • Villiage of the Arts

  • Main Street

Artist: Sophia W.
Grade: 5th
School: Rowlett Academy
Art Teacher: Brittany Gerren
“My artwork shows a beautiful rainbow butterfly and lots of people reading behind it. Reading can help you spread your wings and fly to other worlds. It helps your brain to grow, too.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

  • Main Street

Artist: Shawn P.
Grade: 4th
School: Samoset Elementary
Art Teacher: Jessica Pellicone
  • Villiage of the Arts

  • Main Street

Artist: Zion J.
Grade: 5th
School: Samoset Elementary
Art Teacher: Jessica Pellicone
  • Villiage of the Arts

  • Main Street

Artist: Lila H.
Grade: 7th
School: Braden River Middle School
Art Teacher: Heidi Enneking
“I drew animals in a hidden library. I believe reading is important because it engages minds, and if you find the right book, it can take you into a whole new universe. Art allows me to express myself in a way that calms me and lightens my mood.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

  • Main Street

Artist: Mia E.
Grade: 8th
School: Braden River Middle School
Art Teacher: Heidi Enneking
“I enjoyed this book when I was young!”
  • Villiage of the Arts

  • Main Street

Artist: Gloria F.
Grade: 6th
School: Braden River Middle School
Art Teacher: Heidi Enneking
“This book was about a kid planting flowers of every color of the rainbow and giving some to give to the kid’s mother to make her happy. It is saying that even small things like colorful flowers can make a person happy.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

  • Main Street

Artist: Mazie Z.
Grade: 8th
School: Rowlett Middle Academy
Art Teacher: Brittany Braniger
“Reading is Powerful – The inspiration was to have someone reading and the aurora really showing the enjoyment and love while reading. What I did was have one of my friends model reading a book. Then I came up with a quote and entered it in. After that I felt like I needed something to show how the book and reading was like a pleasure and how reading is powerful. The joy I get from reading is that it’s very therapeutic and makes me relaxed.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

  • Main Street

Artist: School Project
Grade: Kindergarten – 5th
School: Witt Elementary
Art Teacher: Kim Roberson-Hoy
“Our artwork is comprised of many beautiful and diverse butterflies created by our beautiful and diverse students. This project was based on a poem, “The Butterfly” (version 2) by Holocaust victim Pavel Friedmann. Our students focused on the imagery, symbolism, and science of butterflies as part of our remembrance during Holocaust Education Week.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

  • Main Street

Artist: Class Project
Grade: 3rd
School: Myakka City Elementary
Art Teacher: Stephanie Guevara
“Every student is unique, just like every book and every piece of art. Our 3rd Grade Reading group created various artworks surrounding a book, just like the many different characters you encounter when reading. Variety is the spice of life! Try a different genre today!”
  • Villiage of the Arts

  • Main Street

Artist: Class Project
Grade: 5th
School: Palma Sola Elementary
Art Teacher: Doreen Chaloupka
“Palma Sola Elementary 3rd and 5th Grade students worked collaboratively while being inspired by the book entitled: “Not a Box” by author Antoinette Portis. Creativity within all of our minds is endless and stimulated in what we read and how it is individually and collaboratively interpreted. Our students created a collaborative works of art featuring… “An Aliens Adventure” using colored pencils, crayons and tempura paint. As you can read in the poem below that was inspired by the book our students worked together as a whole, they created their own personalized inspired poem that fosters our three-dimensional creation of a box where ideas and inspirations of a box are endless. The inspirations of the box were then transformed and represented in our school banner. We are enthralled by the artistic works of our students and are ecstatic to have the opportunity to share our class inspired poem below: The Poem of a Box… Possibly… The box… but it’s not a box, It’s the creative box, It’s the imagination box, The everything box, The wish box, A Box? The wonder box, It’s not just a box…, It’s a box of questions, The box of mystery, An imaginal box, The friendly box, It’s Not… Not… Not a box, The cool box, It’s not a box… it’s…. imagination, It’s not a box… it’s childhood, Anything but a box, It’s not just a box… it’s a box of…???… Collaborative Memories and Dreams!!!”
  • Villiage of the Arts

  • Main Street

Artist: Mia R.
Grade: 3rd
School: Johnson K-8
Art Teacher: Suzie Abadjian
“What inspired me with my drawing is the importance of reading. I love to read, and I wanted to show how this girl is in the library reading.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Ella Y.
Grade: 8th
School: Rowlett Middle Academy
Art Teacher: Brittany Braniger
“I Love Reading – My inspiration was a princess reading vibe, where their hair is spread out on the ground, and it looks perfect. I had my friend take a photo of me, and I put it into Procreate to edit and change the photo, making the background black and white, fixing up my hair, and creating a book. Reading makes me feel like I’m not fully present, like I’m watching through a window at the world on the pages. It is fun and exciting and sometimes sad, but in the end, I wish the author had kept going with the amazing storyline.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Zoey I.
Grade: 7th
School: Rowlett Middle Academy
Art Teacher: Brittany Braniger
“Wonder Reading – What I created in this artwork is the fun in reading and how even the smallest thing like bugs can enjoy reading. What I created in this artwork is the love and excitement about reading and how everyone can enjoy reading. The joy that I get from reading is thinking about what is happening in the book and it’s like a little movie.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Peyton N.
Grade: 8th
School: Rowlett Middle Academy
Art Teacher: Brittany Braniger
“Reading Opens Doors – My inspiration for this artwork was how reading can make someone feel, and how magical this feeling can be. To create this artwork, I inserted pictures of myself and books to the digital app Procreate to make it look like I’m laying on top of them as I’m reading. The joy that I get from reading is quite amazing because it makes me feel like I’m truly in another world and it gives me an opportunity to envision how I see the events and characters. This is the main reason why I named my artwork “Reading Opens Doors” because it expresses how reading gives you this feeling of opening a door to a world full of wonder and new possibilities.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Kiley W.
Grade: 8th
School: Rowlett Middle Academy
Art Teacher: Brittany Braniger
“Dragons Enchant – The inspiration for creating this artwork were books. I wanted to promote reading because it can enhance your mindset and increase your vocabulary. I first started off with a dragon holding a book with some reading glasses with the words “Reading enchants your mind.” I created that quote because dragons are magical like enchants. I often pick out books I find cool to read and at a good reading level for myself. Since I don’t know a lot of vocabulary, I pick the books with less mature vocabulary and words I can understand.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Brody S.
Grade: 7th
School: Rowlett Middle Academy
Art Teacher: Brittany Braniger
“In Another World – I was inspired by a person who takes photos then turns them into a paper half photo and half portrait. I had a friend take a photo of me and I put it on procreate. I traced myself out in shadows and then added a layer under the trace then added a paper effect around me in the photo. I say if you have an amazing imagination, you have the joy of reading. For me, reading is a great experience.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Cayla E.
Grade: 7th
School: Rowlett Middle Academy
Art Teacher: Brittany Braniger
“Galactic Reading – My inspiration was a character named Aster that I created. She is an alien who loves to read. I created this by using procreate. I get the joy from reading, by reading things that are entertaining and have a lot of drama.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Gianna M.
Grade: 7th
School: Rowlett Middle Academy
Art Teacher: Brittany Braniger
“Books are Magic – My inspiration for creating this piece was the chunky book that I was holding and the arts that went into it like dance with the handstand. I created this piece with the app on my iPad called procreate and I inserted my picture and made it black and white and then put in an inspirational quote. I outlined myself and the quote with different colors to give it more of a magic effect.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Mackenzie T.
Grade: 7th
School: Rowlett Middle Academy
Art Teacher: Brittany Braniger
“Winter Read – Whenever I go camping, I always bring a book with me. I had to take a photo of a book and draw everything else. I love getting to read about what the main character is experiencing.”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Hector R.
Grade: 5th
School: Moody Elementary
Art Teacher: Cathy Gardner
“I love to read, and you can too, you can love to read. “
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Yamilet C.
Grade: 5th
School: Moody Elementary
Art Teacher: Cathy Gardner
“Reading will make you a star!!!”
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Ta’Liyah W.
Grade: 5th
School: Moody Elementary
Art Teacher: Cathy Gardner
“I love to read. Everyone should read. Reading will help you understand words that you don’t know. “
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Aryona G.
Grade: 5th
School: Moody Elementary
Art Teacher: Cathy Gardner
“I made this banner to show that it is fun to read. The shark is learning how to swim. “
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Jordyn M.
Grade: 5th
School: Moody Elementary
Art Teacher: Cathy Gardner
“I made this book so it can be fun. I like rainbow because it has a lot of colors. “
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Angelica R.
Grade: 5th
School: Moody Elementary
Art Teacher: Cathy Gardner
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: David J.
Grade: 5th
School: Moody Elementary
Art Teacher: Cathy Gardner
“I made this banner to show that reading, writing, and drawing is fun. “
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Bentley S.
Grade: 5th
School: Moody Elementary
Art Teacher: Cathy Gardner
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Juan Carlos C.
Grade: 5th
School: Moody Elementary
Art Teacher: Cathy Gardner
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Dana L.
Grade: 5th
School: Moody Elementary
Art Teacher: Cathy Gardner
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Miranda P.
Grade: 5th
School: Moody Elementary
Art Teacher: Cathy Gardner
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Zachary B.
Grade: 5th
School: Moody Elementary
Art Teacher: Cathy Gardner
“Make sure you read kids, it’s good for you and you can learn more if you read more. “
  • Villiage of the Arts

Artist: Santiago R.
Grade: 5th
School: Moody Elementary
Art Teacher: Cathy Gardner
  • Villiage of the Arts